9 pm -
I decided it was time to enjoy some nightlife. After all, it's only 2 pm!! (MST). So, I hopped on the bus and went to Oxford Circus/Picadilly Circus. Borders Bookstore was one of the few places open. So I went in there and discovered they had the same crap as the US stores. Boring! Although I saw a mag with a preview of X3. I had to read it - but there was a spoiler!! Aargh! So now I know one really important thing that will happen in the movie, that WOULD have been a surprise. Pooh.
Here's a picture of the Dominion theater, where the play (?) "We Will Rock You" is playing.

I continued on to another internet cafe and chatted with a few friends, and made some plans for Tuesday.
Then - bang! Look at what we have here. It's the Trocadero! Of course I went in!

And ordered an Amaretto on the rocks (duh). And ran into Alberto Martinez - a grad student at UCD! DANG! Now, tell me - what are the odds???

The music was great. Ya'll know I can throw down on the dance floor, but I opted for a more subtle, funky style. Didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings out there! ;)
Back to the hotel at about 2 am (GMT). I worked on a video until 4 am (GMT). If you'd like to see it, you must have Quicktime. (www.apple.com/quicktime). Just
click here. (Or go to www.insideaudio.com/europe2006/dayone.mov)

The bed was uncomfortable - I could count the springs. Added a blanket underneath and then "lights out".
May 17
Got the internet thing worked out with the hotel. Now, I'm off to Nottingham to see
Indy .
By the way, I have been to London before. But some things I forgot. Like how the loo looks incredibly like a subway entrance. I mean there's a woman in a booth sitting at the entrance with two turnstyles on either side. You can't see the toilets, and you have to be very attentive to see the teensy "sinks". So I tried to put my travelcard in there and the lady is TRYING to tell me, "yew cahn't use a trayn pahss for the toy-letts!!". Keep in mind she's behind a glass, speaking with an accent, I knew she said something about a toilet but - oh, this is too embarrassing to recount.
Anyway, I did make it out of the toilet and onto the train to Nottingham (silent "h") with 5 minutes to spare. Woo-hoo!
In Nottingam, Indy took me on a walking tour of Nottingham. I took lots of pictures, and you can see them
You'll see the castle from where the mean old king and sherrif taxed the daylights out of the poor citizens, and where Robin Hood came to save the day. You'll see me and our hero Robin. And you'll see England's oldest and second oldest pubs!!
After a 1 1/2 hour train ride back to London, I met
Ben Hadwen at
Fluid where he was jamming on sazxand flute while K. spun that funky shit. Downstairs was a cool dance floor. After the hipness, I caught the last train home, and Ben and I parted ways at Baker St. What a cool day.